
2015's 1st Dividend Announcement

Today Sept 19, 2015 Sea Minh Hai announced to all its shareholders the first dividend to be distributed.

As stated in the Announcement, a dividend equal to 7% of share face value will be paid from Oct. 14, 2015 in cash or bank transfer or through post service (shareholders have fill-in the appropriate request form seen attached to the announcement). 

The The full announcement can be read at this link.


2012's Bumble Bee worker death case

On August 12, 2015 a LA court had put a record charge of USD 6 million settlement to Bumble Bee for the death case caused to its worker, Mr. Jose Melena on Oct. 11, 2012 while working in the cylinder oven. He was trapped inside one of the ovens and was slowly burned to dead in a  strikingly safety viololation ever known in the tuna canning industry.


2014's 2nd Divident Payment

As decided at the 2015 General Shareholders Meeting, the company divident payment for 2014 will be made to all shareholders starting from April 28, 2015.

Shareholders can get divident in cash at Company's Accounting Department  Office (Km 2231, National Road 1A, Tan Phong, Gia Rai, Bac Lieu), it can be paid through transferring to their account,  or paid through post service (in this case they have to fill a request form attached to the divident announcing letter sent to each shareholder).


2015 General Shareholders Meeting Resolutions and Minutes

As reported the 2015 General Shareholders Meeting had been held and completed on last week Friday morning (April 3, 2015).

For shareholders' easy reference we have posted the 2015 General Shareholders Meeting's Resolutions and Minutes at the relevant menu Shareholders' Meeting.


Annual Shareholders Meeting Completed

The annual shareholders meeting held on April 3, 2015 had been completed as planned at about 11:30 AM Friday April 3rd at Bac Lieu Guest House Meeting Room with the presence of shareholders represented for more than 70% of company stocks.

The shareholders heard the various reports and the planned targets for 2015, all approved at 100% votes.

In this newest SMH event, Ms Le Thi Bich Thuy was elected by shareholders to be Member of the Board of Management to replace Mr. Mac Minh Ky (died of serious stroke).

Here are some pictures of 2015's Annual Meeting.


Documents for 2015 Shareholders' Meeting

For easy reference to the documents used at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting please check at the links below.

1. Meeting Agenda

2. Report of the Board of Controllers

3. Finacial Report for 2014

4. Financial Report for 2014 (summary)


Invitation to Attend 2015's General Shareholders' Meeting

The company's annual General Shareholders Meeting will be held on Apjril 3, 2015 at the Meeting Room of Bac Lieu People Committee Guesthouse.

The meeting will be from 9 AM till end of the morning.

Please check the Invitation Letter, meeting agenda, and Authorizing Letter at General Shareholders Meeting menu.

Shareholders may interest in viewing the Company's Financial Report (audited) for 2014 at this link.


Sea Minh Hai's Staffs Celebrated Tet At Mui (Year of the Goat New Year Holiday)

More than 700 staffs and workers of Sea Minh Hai's factories in the Bac Lieu City area has celebrated the Year of the Goat in the afternoon of February 14 (the 26th day of the last month in the Lunar Calendar) at Factory 69, and more than 300 staff members and workers of Lang Tram Factory also celebrated the New Year in the afternoon of February 17, 2015 (29th day of the last Lunar month).

With rather good business results in 2014, all staff and workers get bonus for Tet Holiday, besides attending a  warming party to celebrate the New Year with joyful songs and performances.


First Divident of 2014

First Divident Distribution Notice 

For Sea Minh Hai's shareholders convenient usage, the notice of the Fist Divident for 2014 which was sent to all shareholders in early of July is posted here.



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