Australia is a potential market for shrimp products. So far many countries in Southeast Asia have shipped various types of shrimp to this country. However there are some strict regulations applied that one has to know when he intends to ship his product to this country. It's the control of shrimp disease by the government is so strict even on the processed items, resulting in shipments can be easily be rejected if virus causing agents found (yellow head, white spot etc..).
High quality products with no such risk can be shipped to Australia. In fact some Vietnamese packers have very good business with Autralian partners for many years ago and surely this will be expanded more.
1. Australia Food Standard website is where you can find many documents relating to the seafood quality control.
2. Failing Food Monthly Report: a report of foods that failed inspections by the Imported Food Inspection Scheme of DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of Australian Government), published monthly.
3. What happens if my food fails inspection explains what an importer or foreign supplier has to to in case he has a failed inspection