2016 1st Dividend Distributiondividend

Today Sea Minh Hai has sent letters informing the company's 1st dividend distribution to its shareholders.

It is known that a dividend rate of 7% of the share face value is divided (the amount a shareholder will get = VND 700 x numbers of shares owned).

Shareholders can get their dividend from Nov 12th, 2016 based on the shareholder list of Nov 5th, 2016. 

Dividend will be paid cash at company's Accounting & Finance Department (Km 2231 National Road 1A, Tan Phong, Gia Rai Town, Bac Lieu Province), by  TTR to their personal bank account or by post service. Depending on the which way they choose, it may be neccessary to fill in some information into corresponding form attached to the letter, or can be downloaded here.
