Editor's blog

For whom the bell tolls: Windows XP and Office 2003

After so long a time for these softwares to remain widely used around the world (since 2001 for XP and 2003 for Office 2003), Microsoft has For whom the bell tolls just announced on April 10 that the deadline for these to receive their supports will be April 8, 2014.


General Shareholder Convene Letter and Meeting Agenda

Below is the Letter to convene shareholders to attend 2012 Annual General Shareholder Meeting and Meeting Agenda we have sent to Sea Minh Hai's shareholders.

We will keep posting related documents when they are available.




Letter Authorizing Representative to Attend Shareholder Meeting

Additional to our posting on the Shareholder Meeting Announcement, we posted here the Letter Of Authorizing Representative to Attend Shareholder Meeting for convenience to shareholders when he/she cannot himself attend the Meeting.

It is a sorry that in our previous posting this form is missed.


SMH General Sharehoders Meeting

Sea Minh Hai today has sent to all its shareholders to convene the 2012 General Shareholders Meeting.

The meet will be held at the Ho Nam Tourist Center, No. 1, Tran Quang Dieu St., Ward 1, Bac Lieu City (also called Khu Dia Oc) in the morning of April 21, 2012.

The letter and meeting agenda can be seen at the Shareholders Relation menu, under Announces & Notices item.

(Please refer to Ho Nam in the below GoogleMap).


2011 Second Divident Distribution

SMH today posted its second distribution plan to its shareholders.

Shareholders will receive and amont equal to 10% of their share value this time, based on the shareholders list on April 5, 2012. The divident can be get in cash directly at the Company adddress (Km 2231, Lang Tram, Tan Phong, Gia Rai, Bac Lieu), or can be transferred to the shareholder's bank account or sent through post service from April 9 to June 30, 2012.


McKinsey Research Report on VN

In February 2012, the widely-known McKinsey Global Institute has published its economic research on Viet Nam current economy and its expectancy for the next phase.

The report reveals that two out of 3 important drivers that has helped VN to achieve a high rate of economic developing in the past 2 decades will get less important in the next economic growth, while VN is facing many obstructs that it has to solve. Besides it has to make use of new drivers if it would maintain its economic growth at targeted rate for the next decade.


6th Administrative Review Preliminary Results

Today DOC has issued its prelimimary review result for VN shrimp dumping rate.

The rate for the mandatory respondents and the separate rate firms are,

- Mandatory respondents:

Minh Phu: 0.09 % (de minimis)

Nha Trang Seafoods: 0 %

- Separate-rate packers: all are at 1.03% except Camimex (0.8%)

- VN wide: 25.76%

The review result was signed by Lorald K. Lorentzen on Feb 28, 2012.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012


Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting Completed

The Ectraordiary Shareholder Meeting has been held in the morning of Saturday December 10, 2011 in Sea Minh Hai Head office in Lang Tram Factory.

You can find the Meeting's Resolution in the Shareholder Relation Section's Announces and Notices.

Below are some pictures of the meeting.


Extraordinary Shareholder Meeting Convened

Sea Minh Hai today Nov. 24, 2011 has issued a letter to convene its shareholders to an extraordinary shareholder meeting to be held on December 10, 2011 at its Company Main Office Meeting Room (Km 2231- National Road 1A, Tan Phong Village, Gia Rai County, Bac Lieu Province, VN).



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