- Wash shrimp thoroughly. Shrimp antennae can be preferably cut off or can remain
- Apply evenly chile powder and salt to shrimp. Mince slices of chile are added to shrimp. A teaspoon of monosodium glutamate is added.
- Put shrimp into a basket, shake well so that all ingredients evenly cover shrimp (Use only enough salt or it will be too salty)
- Thrust the skewer from the tail to the head of shrimp. Finished ones are put into a smal pan for about 15 minutes.
- Charcoal fire is made to have good burn. Put over it a gridion, applying over it an oil layer to prevent shrimp stick to it. Put the shrimp on the gridion to roast it until it is properly cooked. Turn over the other side so that it is properly cooked.
Skewered shrimp |
Cooked shrimp |