On Aug. 31, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has issued the final result dumping rates for the mandatory respondents, the separate rate companies and the country wide rate companies. The raties applied are as follows for those companies exporting their shrimp products to USA:
Mandatory companies:
+ Camimex: 0.83% + Minh Phu Group: 1.15% + Nha Trang Seafoods: de minimisSeparate rate companies: 1.04%
Vietnam wide rate: 25.76%
From its recalculation we can see that DOC has changed the rates somewhat from the preliminary results of 1.36%, 1.67%, de minimis for Camimex, Minh Phu and Nha Trang Seafoods respectively, 1.52 for the separate rate companies and 25.76% for Viet Nam wide to the above rates.
Notes: On Oct. 11, 2011 DOC issued the "revised final" which slightly changed the rate of the separate group to 1.03 instead of 1.04. See this final revised decision signed by Ronald K. Lorentzen