
2017 General Shareholder Meeting Minutes and Resolution

The 2017 General Shareholder Meeting was held on May 11, 2017 as planned.

The shareholders have heard and approved the Meeting's Minutes and Resolution, which are here posted for your convenient reference.


2017 Annual Shareholder Meeting Invite Letter

As usual, Minh Hai Joint Stock Seafoods  Processing Company will held General Shareholder Meeting in early first  half of the year, and this time it will be on May 12, 2017  at Guest House Number 1, Hung Vuong St., Ward 1, Bac Lieu City.

Invitation letter was issued on April 18, 2017 and was sent to each shareholder by post using address in company shareholders database. For more convenient we also post it at  this link for easy reference or download.


Announcement of treasury stock buying

Seaprodex Minh Hai has announced its company's shares buying for treasury stock. The details can be  read at this link.


2016 1st Dividend Distributiondividend

Today Sea Minh Hai has sent letters informing the company's 1st dividend distribution to its shareholders.

It is known that a dividend rate of 7% of the share face value is divided (the amount a shareholder will get = VND 700 x numbers of shares owned).

Shareholders can get their dividend from Nov 12th, 2016 based on the shareholder list of Nov 5th, 2016. 


Shrimp Dumping Case: VN's POR 10 Final Results

The below article sumarizes the final decision of the POR 10 review for the VN shrimp shipments to the US.

Các hội viên VASEP hôm 8/9 đã được thông báo kết qủa cuối cùng của lần xem xét hành chánh thứ 10 (POR10) vụ kiện phá gía tôm đối với tôm nước ấm Việt Nam xuất sang Hoa Kỳ. Nội dung bản tin đưa như sau:


2nd Divident Distribution

As agreed at the Annual Shareholders Meeting of 2016, today it is announced the schedule for the 2nd divident distribution.


2016's Annual Shareholders' Meeting Minutes and Decisions

Sea Minh Hai's 2016 Annual Shareholders Meeting had been held in Bac Lieu as scheduled.

On the morning of April 8th, 2016 the Meeting had been held in the Bac Lieu with the presence of 33 shareholders and representatives of shareholders  and guests.

The attendants has worked in the morning, heard and discussed many topics presented in varous the reports and reached final agreement through voting.  The minutes and resolutions of the meeting were approved by attendants, and you can read here at these links:


2016 General Shareholders Meeting's Documents

Further to the 2016 General Shareholders Meeting Invitation Letter already posted on this site, we are pleased to post here other documents and reports to be heard and discussed at the Meeting. These are,


Viet Nam POR 10 Preliminary Results for Warm Water Shrimp

On March 10, 2016 DOC posted on the Federal Register the preliminary results of the POR10 of the warm water anti-dumping case against India, Thailand and Viet Nam.
You can read these reports at these contries at these links: Viet Nam, India and Thailand.


2016 Shareholder General Meeting Invitation Letter

2016 Shareholders General Meeting will be held on April 8, 2016 at 1st Fl, Bac Lieu Guest House, Hung Vuong St., Bac Lieu City.

Time: From 8:30 AM

Company's shareholders can see Invitation Letter, Meeting Agenda, and Letter of Authorization at this link.



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